Posts tagged welcome
Welcome to Jane Louise Films

New year new website, right?  And my gosh does it feel GOOD to have a shiny new shopfront for my wedding videography services!  Whilst filming weddings last year and busying myself with editing between shoots, it was difficult – nay, impossible - to justify taking time out to update my previous website.  (How could I, when I knew brides and grooms were at home eagerly awaiting their videos!)

Finally in January when I had some downtime, I was able to spend time re-designing the look and feel of my site, as well as adding all the wonderful weddings I shot last year.  I have to say, I didn’t think I’d agonise over which font “spoke my brand” as much as I did… but welcome to the world of design I suppose!

Doing it myself has actually been really enjoyable, and as a bit of a control freak I love that I can update whatever I want, when I want.  My last website was designed for me, such that I didn’t have the flexibility to try out and visualise a hundred different different ideas and looks before deciding.  I’d definitely recommend Squarespace to anyone who’s similar to me in this respect – it’s so easy, and it’s great to be able to play around with everything!  Unlike Wix you can change template at any time as well, without losing all your content and page structures.

When doing research about what sort of website I wanted I came across the below quote (featured on my homepage) which I absolutely loved.  I feel very strongly about the importance of having a video of your wedding, and I always struggle to do justice in explaining just how valuable I know you'll find it to be in the years to come.  This quote struck a chord with me, because although no-one wants to think about "life-after-wedding" whilst they're planning, I know from personal experience that post-wedding you realise just how incredibly valuable you hold the memory of every single moment you experienced from the day... and what a better way to remember all those beautiful moments than with video. 

Right now I feel pretty chuffed with how far Jane Louise Films has come, and I am SO very excited for where we are going...

Bring on 2018 :)

Wedding videographer in London and the UK